Tuesday 7 March 2017

It's time for change.....Please

Good morning ladies and gentleman, I hope you're all well on this sunny Tuesday morning. A lot has been said over the last couple of days about the Alexis Sanchez being benched for the defeat at Liverpool on Saturday due to a training ground bust up with a teammate, well apparently anyway.

I am writing this morning because well I haven't done a blog for a while, I was going to write about all the weekends action and go over all the goals, dodgy referee decisions and everything else. Today's blog isn't a neutral one but in fact a very honest one about my club. Arsenal needs to change because the fans are fed up of the same old story every single year. We need something to get excited about because the start of every season we start quite well and we all get drawn in to thinking that this year is going to be different and then BOOOM, February comes and it's the same old story. Arsene Wenger has been at Arsenal for 20 years but it is time to go and it does hurt to say that because I love the man and everything he has done for the club but I really do think he is starting to ruin his legacy.

I am fully aware that it may mean we go 2 step backwards but if that means that in the future we are 5 steps ahead then I can take it. It could be exciting to not know what is going to happen rather than wait for the impending doom and gloom. What I am trying to say is I am sick and tired for just finishing in the top 4, what's the point in qualifying for a competition that if we are honest, we are not good enough to win. The board are just as much to blame not if not more because they have tuned this great football club into a business where money is more important than success and I while I think Wenger needs to go, I totally disagree with the horrible comments about him and the anger should definitely be aimed at Silent Stan and the rest of them.

What I think is needed is Wenger to announce that he is stepping down so every single Arsenal fan can get behind the team for one final push and we can all be as one. Arsene is an absolute legend and he deserves a statue outside the ground because we will never see another manager be at a club for this length of time. I hear a lot of people saying well who are you going to get in? Arsenal are a massive football club and any manager worth their salt would love to take the job. There are some fantastic managers out there could do a job and bring something different. Allegri, Simeone, Tuchel have all been linked but I personally would love to see Max Allegri take the job because I really rate him, he has done an awesome job at Juventus and think he wouldn't take any player not putting in a shift.

I love Wenger and I genuinely think he is still capable of winning things just not at Arsenal anymore, I am gutted he never got to lift the Champions League so I hope he may get his chance, maybe at PSG. I love this club and I just want to feel excited again because I really do fear about the next 2 years if he signs an extension. Know one is bigger than the club.

I love you Arsene Wenger but I love Arsenal Football Club more and it's time for change.


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